Maybe this is not the first online article that addresses this issue, but at least this article can add discussions that already exists on the topic is quite curious walks lately.
Topics such as this the first time when suddenly sticking Prof.Santos wrote in his book about the location of the legendary Atlantiswhich he said is located in Indonesia (read: Nusantara). The consideration is the Atlantis is an area that is exposed to sunlightthroughout the year. In addition the Atlantis also has a lot ofvolcanoes. After that, along with the pros and cons, some are stilllooking for evidence of the existence of Atlantis in the archipelago,until recently, Mount Sadahurip in West Java, allegedly as a pyramidlike the pyramids in Egypt.
About the pyramids in Indonesia, there is actually a building that resembles a pyramid, which Sukuh in Central Java, the shape of a pyramid is not perfect, seemingly similar buildings in Mexico'sMayan heritage. Unlike other temples are generally taperedJavanese. In this Sukuh also contained a statue of a winged man, with confidence knowing Java Jatayu, man eagle. Then shift to theTemple Cetho, where there is a statue in the temple is quite big,which according to the trust that has been circulating on the statue isa statue Sabdopalon, loyal servant of moksa when the MajapahitMajapahit ruined.
Topics such as this the first time when suddenly sticking Prof.Santos wrote in his book about the location of the legendary Atlantiswhich he said is located in Indonesia (read: Nusantara). The consideration is the Atlantis is an area that is exposed to sunlightthroughout the year. In addition the Atlantis also has a lot ofvolcanoes. After that, along with the pros and cons, some are stilllooking for evidence of the existence of Atlantis in the archipelago,until recently, Mount Sadahurip in West Java, allegedly as a pyramidlike the pyramids in Egypt.
About the pyramids in Indonesia, there is actually a building that resembles a pyramid, which Sukuh in Central Java, the shape of a pyramid is not perfect, seemingly similar buildings in Mexico'sMayan heritage. Unlike other temples are generally taperedJavanese. In this Sukuh also contained a statue of a winged man, with confidence knowing Java Jatayu, man eagle. Then shift to theTemple Cetho, where there is a statue in the temple is quite big,which according to the trust that has been circulating on the statue isa statue Sabdopalon, loyal servant of moksa when the MajapahitMajapahit ruined.
Various studies have found some irregularities, that is about clothes,face shape, as well as headgear and jewelry valued many people do not depict a person of Java. The study further said that the statue wascloser to Sumerian than the Javanese.
While in Sukuh, there is a glimpse of the statue-like Jatayu, a figurein Javanese legend are portrayed as human garuda. The debatere-emerged with the differences in clothing and headgear. There are many who consider that the figure is closer to the Annunaki or Pazuzuthan the figure of Jatayu.
Surely this would lead to the pros and cons because there is noliteracy to prove the allegations. Public confidence in its own Java,Javanese is derived from the descendants of Prophet Adamthrough his son Prophet Sis U.S. which then lowers Javanese kings.In fact, itself a Javanese colony like the Children of Israel, which in itthere are twelve tribes. Children of Jawi in the tribes that arecurrently inhabit the archipelago. As the largest ethnic Javanese,Sundanese and no tribe, Batak tribe, etc..
However, when it alleged that the (real) people are the citizens ofAtlantis archipelago, there are things to consider, which is about the culture. Culture in Indonesia (especially in Java) is derived fromIndia, especially the Hindu Buddhist culture, including Javanese andvarious characters scattered in the archipelago, which is derivedfrom the character Dewanagari from southern India. Is it possibleDewanagari creator script is a citizen who survived the great flood of Noah the U.S.?
However, when it alleged that the (real) people are the citizens ofAtlantis archipelago, there are things to consider, which is about the culture. Culture in Indonesia (especially in Java) is derived fromIndia, especially the Hindu Buddhist culture, including Javanese andvarious characters scattered in the archipelago, which is derivedfrom the character Dewanagari from southern India. Is it possibleDewanagari creator script is a citizen who survived the great flood of Noah the U.S.?
However, if connected (java: othak athik gathuk), many similaritiesbetween the spiritual side of the archipelago with some of theoutside, such as Egypt or even Maya. Those buildings are buildingsthat are designed to absorb the energy of nature. The building istapered like a stupa, mustaka, pyramids, obelisks and even. Theyalso have an advanced astronomical calculation systems are stilldifficult to be solved by modern scholars. As an example of the Mayan calendar system that was ended in 2012. Or Javanesecalendar system is very complicated.
Surely this is a mystery to be solved, although it requires a lot of profitto support the implementation of research on this. Because of the debate that would not go over will cause new problems in the future.
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