Known Kamasutra is a book that explains things related to the enjoyment of human nature. It is said that the book was written by a king in ancient India who have the ability to achieve the pleasure of an entirely different position then he wrote the book of Kamasutra this. However, the culture of Java is also noted on the book of Kamasutra of Java. One of the contents of this Java Kamasutra is to explain about some of the ideal type of woman who could be his wife. Yet such literary Java in general, many of the use of symbols which is a characteristic of Javanese literature.Here are some ideal type of woman according to Javanese Kamasutra:A. Kusuma WicitraWomen are depicted as a flower in bloom (kusuma: flower). The point is, when the flowers will bloom, then he would await the time when he was ready physically and spiritually. Same with women, he would be ready to get married when she was ready physically and spiritually. Born, he has prepared a plan, while he thought he had been equipped with a guard of religious knowledge.2. Padma SariPadma is a lotus flower. So here she is described as a lotus flower that has bloomed in the pond. Sometimes the lotus is a symbol of affection, the woman is a woman Padma sari has always been cordial to her husband (symbolized by the pool, that is appropriate in its place).3. Sri PagulinganThe word "pagulingan" which is identical to the contest, it is intended that this type of woman is a woman who shines showing the beauty of physical and spiritual, even being alone with her husband.4. Sri TumurunThe word "tumurun" meaning down, it can be said that this type of woman is like an angel coming down from the sky. This title can also be as sanepan or depiction that this type of woman is a woman who likes to work hard, love to help others, as evidenced by the "down" from its place.5. Sesotya SinanglingThis type of woman is a woman who can become jewelry (sesotya) was born and mentally for her husband. If adapted to the modern world, it will get the phrase, "behind a great man there is a remarkable woman."6. Mas TrajuThe ideal woman or wife is a wife who can give an opinion or a solution when her husband was facing a choice. Then she served as Mas Traju scales for husbands.7. Gedhong KencanaAs its name which means "house of gold", meaning that the wife could serve as a convenient place for her husband, always missed.Woman or wife resolved to provide shade when the husband is feeling tired because of work.8. Sari SawurSari Sawur woman is like a fragrant flower blooms. As Flower Wijayakusuma are blooming, not proud of her beauty, because not everyone can see these flowers in full bloom. Women who are famous for magnanimity and moral.9. Pandhan KanginanIs an ideal woman, appealing, well budinya, it looks really charming.As a fragrant aroma pandhan give pleasure, women Pandhan Kanginan will give pleasure only to her husband.The ninth type of woman described above represent the ideal woman to be his wife. Of course everyone is different ideal of standardization, but with the classification of these types can be used as a reference for the right partner, because marriage is for God, while the divorce is because of the devil.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
"ideal woman according to the Java"
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