It is undeniable that the media of communication is a good tool to create a state. Communications media are able to influence and then control the minds of many people. One is a box called a television picture or often abbreviated as TV or granted.Since its introduction in Indonesia, the television media is experiencing rapid growth, from the initial stages of the two colors only, now has a lot of 3D televisions. Formerly a thick, convex glass such as bulging eyes, has now been transformed into very thin. In terms of broadcasting as well as many private television stations that have sprung up with their flagship event.However, many of these events are not keeping a close eye on the effects of the event. For example, mystical events are preferred because the audience is able to present a different sensation, but it backfired when the event is not directly attacking a tribe. In this case most often marginalized in a variety of films or mystical events are Javanese.For example, an event (new show) in one of the private television station, entitled "Voyage of the Sacred". From the title already seen what was packed in the event, certainly not far from the mystical world. However, what makes a frown is the title of the event. Indeed there is nothing wrong, just that when the event took place, two letters in the title is replaced by two symbols are identical with Javanese culture. These symbols are the Mountains (in the puppet, shaped like a mountain) and Kris (Keris does not belong to the Javanese, but the show clearly that the dagger is used to replace the letter "T" is the style of Javanese Keris).Actually what it all mean? Is that intentional or just want to look cool (or scary)? By looking at these two symbols, the audience would immediately be brought in the idea that Java is mystical. That way, people will assume that even Javanese culture is the culture of a mystical and dark.Another example, a movie that was released some time ago. In the film the audience is given a song macapat infiltration that can be used to summon ghosts. What is the basis of all that? Macapat song was written by the Wali Songo who used to preach in the land of Java, before the end of Islam is growing rapidly. Once again, people who lack an understanding of Java's own culture may believe, and it was very painful.That is, the television media that have a very strong influence in this country. One effort that can be done to fight is in addition to a more responsive government in the selection of television shows, well it is time the younger generation of Java back into Javanese culture.Others do not learn culture before learning their own culture
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Java, the Mystical in the Eyes of the Media
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Author : Yurika Febri Perdana ~ admin ebiSHARE_Blog's
Judul Artikel : Java, the Mystical in the Eyes of the Media
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Author : Yurika Febri Perdana ~ admin ebiSHARE_Blog's
Judul Artikel : Java, the Mystical in the Eyes of the Media
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